Do you get some errors in your instagram for android right now, like photo is too small to upload,If you are receiving a "Photo is too small" error message, you are attempting to upload an image below our resolution limit. INSTAGRAM | Photo is too small error Problem (Android only)
Update !!!!!!!!!!
you can now update the latest update instagram for android. get the update on the market , or googleplay
all problem is fixed
We suggest uploading images to Instagram from your device's gallery, taking profile pictures with your primary outward-facing camera, checking that your camera's resolution is set to the highest resolution possible, and not cropping images too closely to avoid this error.
Alternatively, you should verify that your device is supported, specifically that it has OpenGL ES 2.
If none of these steps fix the issue, please email us and include as much information as possible, including if you are attempting to import a photo from the gallery, which camera you are using (front or rear-facing) and your operating system and device type? Thanks!
Rating: 4.5
Title : INSTAGRAM | Photo is too small error Problem (Android only)
Description : Do you get some errors in your instagram for android right now, like photo is too small to upload, If you are receiving a "Photo is...